The Currency of Your Life
On the day of your birth, you received a gift. Think of it as a bag filled with treasure; gold coins that we get to spend during our lifetime. It’s true! I promise that you received one; each one of us does. And although each one of us receives this gift, it’s a mystery as to why they aren’t all filled equally. Some are filled with so many coins they seem to be endless and some are only given a small amount. As to the fairness or the reason for this discrepancy, I don’t know enough to make a judgment. But, what I do know without a doubt is that we are here to spend them; you have to actually. And there’s no way around it.
Each day, one gold coin is withdrawn from your pile. So, each morning that you wake up, you have one less gold coin in your pile than you did the day before. (I know…the logic here is dizzying. I’m a whiz at 2nd grade math… but stick with me a minute…)
Unfortunately you can’t borrow, earn or even steal more. I suppose it’s a blessing that we can’t see our stockpile dwindling because I think we would get pretty desperate, watching them disappear one… by one… by one. And then one day, you just have one single golden coin left. By this time many of us can sense that our stockpile has come to an end. As we must, we close our eyes and the last coin is withdrawn… and with that, our time on earth is done.
You see, that bag of coins represents your life, and each coin is a measurement of time; one precious day that your soul gets to inhabit your body here on earth. We are each spending one now, today. Tomorrow we will all have one less. And we can’t get a single one back. We can’t grip onto them and refuse to let them go and we don’t know how many we have left. Perhaps you have thousands, perhaps only a hundred…maybe less. So, the best way I can figure out how to deal with how this works is to treat each day as if it is the most priceless currency I have.
When you look at your life this way, it does seem pretty freakin’ precious doesn’t it?! And I don’t know about you, but with this knowledge, I want to be wise about how I’m spending my proverbial coins. What about you? Are you spending your time on hurt, jealousy, indecision, disdain, regret, anger or any other form of negativity? Are you spending it doing things you dread, worthless pursuits or mindless activities? Do you carelessly toss most of your days away each week, settling for enjoying just a few of them? Do you engage in activities that deplete your health and relationships, causing them to go bankrupt?
Or do you invest your time wisely; depositing faithfully into the bank of good health, wellness and happiness? Are you making someone else’s day a little more golden by investing in them? If time is a commodity that you are given command over, is what you’re spending your time on WORTH its value?
Do you see how important this is now?! You will never again have access to the time you were given on this day, in this hour, this moment. Every day, you are given a once in a lifetime opportunity. Don’t squander it friend. It’s too valuable.
Does this seem heavy? Does it seem overwhelming? …Where do we begin? I know that life can seem like a stormy ocean that’s going to swallow us whole and our best attempts seem like bailing water out of a sinking ship with a thimble. But I promise you that the shore is within sight. Sometimes we just need a change in perspective. Look up. There’s a lighthouse on the horizon and I’m shining a light to guide you in. I’ve been capsized quite a few times myself and I’ve collected some tools along the way. It would be my greatest honor to offer them to you so that you can find your way home.
Some of my tools are pivotal revelations about God, the Universe and Soul. Some of them might seem small and insignificant, like healthy routines…but you see, it’s all important.
How we Live, how we Love, how we treat our Bodies, how we show up in the world for our People…THAT’S what we’re here for. You are precious. This life is precious, and we only get one. Let’s write a beautiful, crazy, messy, breath-taking story, shall we?