Rediscover Your Divine Purpose

Do you have a deepest heart’s desire; a dream that’s stood the test of time? I bet you do… What is it? Maybe it doesn’t even take a moment to pull into your thoughts because it lives there with you always, an ever-present ache…or perhaps you’ve let it sink to the recesses of your mind, collecting neglectful cobwebs. Perhaps it’s a mere tickle in your brain that you’re afraid to say out loud because you’re afraid; afraid that it’s not possible, afraid that you don’t really deserve it. It’s probably too much to ask for. It’s just a dream, after all. Right? I mean how realistic is it to want a taco truck that serves margaritas and drives through neighborhoods like an adult ice-cream truck? Ok…maybe that’s my fantasy. Don’t judge, because you know darn well if you were sitting on the couch and you suddenly heard Flamenco music drifting through your neighborhood, and you looked out to see a taco/margarita truck cruising down your street… it wouldn’t take 5 seconds and you’d be running barefoot after it waiving dollar bills in the air!

But, I digress. Let’s talk about you.

What’s your lifelong deepest desire? Do you remember?…

And let me clarify; I’m not asking what’s on your Christmas wish list (or the adult version…your Amazon “save for later” list). I’m not referring to your desire for that next material thing; a pair of designer shoes, an in-ground swimming pool, a zippy red convertible…you absolutely deserve those things too but they just provide temporary pleasure. There’s nothing wrong with that wish list, as long as it’s in its proper place.

I’m talking about the things you desire on a soul-deep level. Can you get to that part of yourself easily? If you’re feeling stuck and forgetful, congratulations…you’ve most likely been “adulting” for a little while now! Unfortunately, most of us have been managing the act of being a responsible adult for so long, we can’t recall the yearnings of our soul. We have real life responsibilities so we abandon our heart’s desires in the name of growing up. And here we are; living in our heads, checking off the ever-present to-do lists. I feel a little parched…do you? Care to join me for a juicy trip back in time to rediscover your magic? Grab a pencil and a journal.

Journaling Prompts to Rediscover your Divine Purpose.

Let’s take a trip back to visit ten year-old you. If this age doesn’t work for you or has any negative triggers, feel free to pick another year. In fact, doing this exercise several times, picking a few different ages would be beneficial! I chose the age of ten because it seems to be the age of limitless possibilities. We haven’t learned to play small in the name of “being realistic”. We haven’t forgotten our magic…and puberty hasn’t busted in yet with its training bras and mayhem! Ten year old “you” was pure magic. You just needed a bed-sheet cape and a little imagination!

Now, close your eyes and take a moment to place yourself in that world. Recall where you lived, what your bedroom looked like and what was in it, what you wore, where you went to school. Try to remember as many details as possible about “a day in the life”. Again, if there are any negatives coming up here, let them come up and let them drift away. Your purpose for going down this road is to remember your divinity before the world shaped you. If there’s any hurt on that path, offer your past self grace and love and refocus on your intention.

Make some notes and brainstorm. Grab any of these questions that resonate and journal out your answers. Let’s go find Limitless You!

(I see you without a pencil and paper! Yes, I actually want you to go grab a pencil and DO this exercise. Don’t cheat yourself.)

  • What books fascinated you?

  • What did you fantasize about as you were drifting off to sleep?

  • What were your favorite stories?

  • What was your favorite pass time? (not the ones you did to please others or fulfill expectations, the things you could lose hours doing out of sheer pleasure)

  • What did you daydream about doing and being?

  • Do you remember your favorite games or toys?

  • What did you cherish?

  • What was your favorite possession or gift?

Here’s why this is so important! Have you ever stopped to think about what dreams are and why they are so unrelenting? I have some exciting news for you!

That ache is divine direction. Your dreams and desires are quite simply…your purpose. Pay attention to those dreams. They are gifts! They are True North. Use them to orient yourself in this journey called life.

Sit with that beautiful truth for a moment because it’s a powerful realization.

Now, use that power and write your curiosities, passions and dreams down. Say them out loud. Put it on your mirror and daydream on it while you brush your teeth. Relentlessly fantasize what it will be like when you have it. Now watch what happens. Things fall into place. Opportunities arise. People appear. Doors open. Wait…do you hear that?…It sounds like Spanish guitar…and…do I smell tacos?…

Now, go confidently in that direction; knowing that you are made of pure Love and Magic and have a purpose only you can fulfill. Beautiful things await.


5 steps to a life-changing morning